Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy List Saturday

It is Saturday and time for Happy List Saturday. I missed last week. Not because I had nothing to be happy about, but because we were all sick and I just really did not feel like coming up with one.

Well it was Saturday when I started this list, but now it is Sunday. But better late than never.

Warmer weather
The last few days have been beautiful. It has been windy, so being outside has been a bit chilly, but the sun is shining and it is definitely Spring

Apple Blossom Festival
Yesterday kicked off the Apple Blossom Festival here in our city. I took Maddie to the Kiddie Parade. We had so much fun. But I forgot my camera, so no pictures to share. I am going to try and remember to take my camera today to the Kids Fair in the park.

My 2 year old
I love having a child that is finally old enough to enjoy doing activities. Last year we took her to a lot of the festivities of Apple Blossom, but she was not really that into any of it. This year is much different. This is my favorite age so far (but I have said that of every age she has been so far.)

Red Tulips
My mom gave me Tulips this week in memory of Emily. They are so pretty. They are probably only going to last a few more days. But I am enjoying them for now.

Emily's Blanket
I may do a whole post about this, but it made me happy this week so I wanted to share it here. On Friday I got Emily's blanket in the mail. Rows for Remembrance is a wonderful ministry to families who have lost a baby at any stage in the pregnancy to birth. They knit or crochet a blanket with your child in mind. The blanket has 20 "starter" rows and then one additional row for each week your carried your child. My blanket was 43 rows and it is perfect. I don't have a picture of it, but my two year old grabbed Emily's blanket and cuddled with it yesterday. It was so cute. She knows that it is Emily's blanket.

The Cake Mix Doctor
Have you ever seen this book? If not you have to check it out. It is one of my favorite cookbooks. This woman takes a cake mix and transforms the mix into an amazing cake. That I know of she has three different books and each is so wonderful. I will probably never make a cake from scratch again.

Blog Awards
Last week I received two blog awards: The Stylish Blogger Award and The Versatile Blog Award. It was so fun to receive these awards and then to turn around and give them to other bloggers that I follow.


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